Space Pirates v.75 (239kb) (6698kb)
(Contains all datafiles, put'em in same dir as the rest of the game)
Upgrade patch (4639kb)
(If you already have version .70, you only have to download this)

Space Pirates is a project that started the winter 99/2000. It is being made
because I like to create games, and because there are few decent
freeware games out there. There should be more of them.
The game idea behind Space Pirates is really old. I think the first
asteroid-type of game was made 1979 by the Atari Corporation. There have
been made quite a few clones since then. - Carsten Zeiffert
Implemented stuff
4 different types of asteroids, energy, money (spacebucks), 6 different bonuses,
upgradable ship, some sounds, some music, load/save game
Stuff that is not implemented, but will be
Configurable controls, more asteroids/enemies, story.
Perhaps some videoclips and multiplayer too?
The story
Why is this game called Space Pirates? The answer lies in the story. The game (at least
in story-mode) will begin with you getting a job as an asteroid-remover. You do this by
blasting them to heck. Ok, this would perhaps be a strange and silly job to have... but
hey, this is just a game. I'll not reveal more than this, but you can figure out that it
will have something to do with pirates... in space.
Comments? Ideas? Send them to:
Email: [email protected] ---- ICQ number: 24086511